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Mrs Lara Jane and Sona had been friends for years but never had either of them expected the evening to unfold like this. They had been enjoying a glass of wine and discussing some of their wildest fantasies when Sona finally dared Lara Jane to take it one step further. Lara Jane smiled knowingly, as she got up and grabbed her camera. She asked Sona to sit on the sofa and started posing her in a few suggestive positions. As Lara Jane began to capture the porn pics, she could see the flushes of arousal across Sona’s neck and face and it felt as if the air between them had suddenly become electrified. When the camera shutter finally stopped clicking, they both grinned and Lara Jane knew that she had captured some truly hot mature photos. The porn pics stayed between them- a naughty little secret- and it wasn’t until years later, when Lara Jane shared them with Sona as a romantic memento, that they both finally understood how powerful the evening had been for each of them.

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